I welcome you and your child(ren) to my home. Since this will be your child(ren)’s home away from home, I strive to provide a safe, caring, homelike atmosphere for your child(ren) while providing for their physical, intellectual, emotional and social development.
This is a business arrangement, and as such, I have outlined my Policies and Procedures. I have met the requirements necessary to acquire my license pursuant to Minnesota Rules, parts 9502.0300 to 9502.0445 and MN Statute 245A. All requirements are listed in the Family Child Care Licensing Rules and Statutes and are available for your review upon request. This is also available online at www.leg.state.mn.us. My family childcare license authorizes me to care for a total of 14 children who are under the age of eleven (11) years. Of these, no more than 8 children may be under school age. Of the 8 under school age, no more than 3 children may be under the age of two (2) years. Of those 3, no more than 2 may be under the age of one (1) year.